Our mission is to make room for God's Kingdom to expand here on our campus and ultimately to the ends of the earth.
We believe that God has called us to pick up the baton and run our leg of the race.
Our prayer for this campaign is that God would provide miraculously, people would feel the joy of giving, and that this would be a defining discipleship moment for our church.
We have nearly 16 acres on our One Church campus. Currently, we are serving around 2,500 people each weekend. Our goal is to maximize the impact of our property and create spaces that provide opportunity for growth, community and discipleship.
Over the course of this project, we will be expanding our capacity with a new auditorium that will hold almost 1,500 guests per service and double the amount of parking spots throughout our campus. This will give us the space and resources to fulfill our mission of igniting a movement to reach a disconnected culture.
Reaching a disconnected culture starts with the next generation. We have designed an innovative kids space that will give them a place to hear the Gospel, have fun and build community. Our hope is that they can continue to build their faith and feel the love of Jesus in a tangible way.
We also want to share the love of Jesus with the special needs community in ways that are impactful and designed just for them. We desire to lead the way in providing sensory spaces and special needs experiences that make people feel seen, known and loved.
I am asking you to pick up your baton and run this race with us. I want you to prayerfully consider joining Next is Now and help us fulfill the vision God is calling us to. Let’s pray for miracles, joyful giving and moments of discipleship. This is our moment, our time and our leg of the race.
- Pastor Greg

The good work we've done and are doing is made possible by your giving. Expanded vision requires expanded giving. Below you'll see two areas of giving as we enter into this next season.
Keep Up the Good Work indicates what you're already doing to support the mission of One Church. This includes your regular tithes and offerings.
Expand the Good Work is your commitment to Next is Now over the next three years above and beyond your current regular giving.